Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Workshop - Introduction to the tactical planning
    Based on the outcome of the Annual review of the DEEP (Defence Education Enhancement Programme) Ukraine and 9th Clearing House on Defence Education both held online in May and September 2020, Introduction to the tactical planning Workshop was organised by International courses department (ICD) of SVK AFA. As recent experience shows, Tactical/Operational/Strategic level planning procedures play vital role for partners to achieve interoperability with NATO troops.

    In the long term, SVK AFA is supporting and assisting the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the field of education. Members of the ICD conducted MDMP mobile short-term courses in Lvov and Kharkov in the past few years, and Ukrainian officers are attending the International Staff Officers Course every year at our Academy. Due to the threat of Covid 19 and less opportunities to travel and attend our courses this year, the ICD complied with the huge demand from Ukrainian military institutes and universities to organise online workshop regarding tactical level planning procedures.

    From 30th of November until 3rd of December 22 participant from Armed forces of Ukraine in rank from 1st Lieutenant to Colonel joined the online workshop. This workshop was aimed mostly for academic personnel (instructors) and during the workshop they followed the steps of Tactical planning (IAW APP-28). Whole process was explained to them by instructors LtCol Roman KRAL, Maj Rene HECKO and Capt. Jan SEDLIAK from ICD and was followed by the discussion to confirm the acquired knowledge. Workshop was conducted in English language without interpreters. Participants from military universities and institutes from Zhytomyr, Odesa, Kyiv, Lvov and Kharkov expressed their gratitude for organising such a workshop.
    text, photo: Zuzana Brestovská    

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