Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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International Staff Officers Course - ISOC 22
    International Staff Officers Course - ISOC has started on 10th of February 2020. Over the past 4 weeks, 20 officers from the Czech Republic, Latvia, Ukraine and the Slovak Republic have acquired knowledge of military English, Land forces capabilities, conducting ground unit operations as well as military doctrines and using of the NATO symbols. This knowledge is necessary to master the exercises during the course, creates the precondition for successful completion of the course and is also the basis for interoperability in the international context.

    During the third week of the course, (was organized) International Day took place and students had the opportunity to present their countries to the AFA staff and to participants of courses which are organized by the Armed Forces Academy and by the Language Institute.

    In the coming weeks, students will acquire the basic information and skills necessary for the military decision-making process and prepare for joint action at all stages of preparation and planning at the tactical level.

    ISOC 22 will be completed on 9th of April 2020.
    Ing. Zuzana Brestovská    

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