Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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„Running Effective Virtual Meeting“ course
    During the three afternoons of July and August, members of the International courses department, maj. HEČKO and capt. SEDLIAK, took a part at online training course "Running Effective Virtual Meeting".

    It is a NATO DEEP ADL portal that allows its users to conduct online meetings as well as teaching students. For this purpose, the Big Blue Button (BBB) platform, developed by NATO DEEP experts, is used and it contains a number of tools to conduct effective virtual meetings.

    It includes using of PowerPoint presentations, screen sharing, public and private chat. Interaction with the audience is provided by video communications, as well as the possibility of answering questions in a test, or inserting own text into the shared screen.

    The main aim is to use this platform especially in times of limited travel due to Covid-19, or as a possible means of saving resources. Graduates of the course are able to organize their own sessions, host trainings and various seminars.
    text, photo: Zuzana Brestovská    

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