Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Online courses for Ukrainian officers took place in March
Due to the previous DEEP (Defence Education Enhancement Programme) cooperation of our International Courses Department (ICD/SVK AFA) with Ukrainian military institutes and the Covid-19 pandemic situation, the ICD complied with the huge demand from Ukrainian academies and universities to organise online workshop.

    52 participants from 12 Military Education Facilities in Ukraine (listed below) took part on the online workshops:
  • National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi
  • Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy
  • Military Institute of Armored Forces of National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • Zhytomyr Korolov Military Institute
  • Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • Kharkiv National Air Forces University
  • Odesa Military Academy
  • Institute of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
  • Central Research Institute of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
  • Military Institute of telecommunication and informatization
  • Main HQ of the National Guard of Ukraine
  • National Academy of National Guard of Ukraine

    Introduction to the Tactical Planning workshop took place from March 22nd until 25th 2021 led by instructors: LtCol Roman KRAL, LtCol Jozef KUCHTA, Capt Jan SEDLIAK and Capt Miroslav MAJTNER from ICD.

    The target audience of the workshop was academic personnel and during the workshop; they followed the steps of Tactical planning for Land forces (in accordance with NATO doctrine APP-28).
    Following topics were lectured:
  - the application of the military doctrines within the wide range of NATO military operations;
  - the tactical planning process (operating procedures of the military headquarters staff);

    Introduction to Joint Planning workshop took place from March 29th until 30th 2021 led by instructors LtCol Jozef KUCHTA, Maj René HEČKO from ICD.

    The workshop created conditions for understanding the Operational Level Planning procedures and the way in which NATO countries approach that subject (in accordance with NATO doctrine COPD version 3).

    All participants expressed their satisfaction with the overall conduct, structure and the specialization of the workshop. On the other hand, they stressed the importance of practical application of the procedures what is hard to achieve with an online solution in the short timeframe.
  Zuzana Freissl, MBA    

    CSDP Olympiad 2016
- Conference Proceedings
    The new issue 2/2021 of the Journal Science & Military
    The new issue 3/2021 of the Journal Military reflections

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