Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Our officers took part at NATO School Oberammergau (NSO) courses in order to be prepared for NATO re-accreditation

Our officers took part at NATO School Oberammergau (NSO) courses in order to be prepared for NATO re-accreditation
    Slovak AFA is NATO Accredited Institution since 2018 and we follow all necessary steps in order to prove to accreditation committee in 2024 that we deserve it when the re-accreditation process is waiting for us.
    One of the steps which we have to undergo within the education and accreditation process are trainings at NSO. Due to pandemics, there was no chance to participate at any of those trainings last year. This November AFA managed to send LTC Jozef KUCHTA – chief of International Courses Department (ICD) to take part at one week long Quality Assurance course and 1stLT Jan JANCO member of Department of Military Tactics and Operational Art to take part at one week long System Approach to Training course.
    International Courses Department (ICD) is the one to prepare all documentation and development of new courses for re-accreditation. New NATO approved (certified) courses are also to be part of the development to maintain NATO Quality Standards . That is way Chief of ICD - LTC Kuchta organized a meeting where the knowledge gained in NSO courses was shared to all team members. Chief of PMEC COL Wesselenyi, director of Rector’s office LTC Chovanec and Chairman of the Academic Senate MJR Kompan who were preparing original accreditation as members of ICD also took place at this meeting.
    We do believe that systematic work and common effort will bring us to manage well all necessary steps from administration through technical support and high quality execution of courses, so that Armed Forces Academy in Slovakia can prove that it is worth to be NATO Accredited Education and Training Facility.
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  text a foto: Zuzana Freissl, MBA    

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