Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Comprehensive Operations Planning Course
    Comprehensive Operations Planning Course took place at the International Courses Department of Armed Forces Academy of general Milan Rastislav Štefánik on June 21st – July 2nd. 30 officers from different departments of Slovak Armed Forces and Czech Armed Forces participated in order to learn military requirements for standardization of operations planning within NATO reflecting comprehensive approach with focus on operations planning at operational level and reflecting the process at military-strategic level. The course was executed in cooperation with General Staff of Slovak Armed Forces as a pilot program and turned out to be very appreciated.
  text: mjr. Ing. René Hečko, foto: -ds-    

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   NATO - SHAPE    NATO    EU    Ministerstvo Obrany OS SR    Generálny štáb OS SR    Allied command transformation
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