Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Long-lasting support in the area of education for the Armed forces of Bosnia and Hercegovina
     The Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik („AFA“) is a long-lasting partner of the National University of Public Service in Budapest. This cooperation covers several projects in the field of university education and professional military education (PME). The NATO DEEP (Defense Education Enhancement Program) Bosnia and Hercegovina (BiH) started in 2019. Both educational institutions have been cooperating in that program in order to support the reform of PME of the Armed forces of BiH.

     The AFA regularly takes part in workshops, online conferences and meetings, with the main focus on creating a functional system of military educating of the Army forces of BiH, compatible with military educational systems of NATO nations.

     April 28th – 29th 2021 another online meeting took place. The goal of the meeting was to come to an agreement with the content of the Operational Planning Process module within the Command Staff Course for future OF-4 rank. The AFA as the NATO accredited education and training facility provides this course via the International Courses Department (ICD). The instructors of ICD took part at the meeting and helped to prepare the module of the course by their qualified proposals and comments.

     When the pandemic situation gets better and the AFA is allowed to host foreign students within the NATO DEEP program, the Armed forces of BiH will most probably take part on several activities in the AFA in near future.

     Participants of the meeting from the side of the AFA were LTC Martin Chovanec, LTC Roman Kráľ and LTC Jozef Kuchta.



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