Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Supporting Defense Institution Building School in Georgia

Supporting Defense Institution Building School in Georgia with experience in NATO accreditation process
    The team of experts from our Armed Forces Academy of M. R. Štefánik was sent to Georgia in order to support colleagues from Defense Institution Building School (DIBS) in preparation for NATO accreditation. LTC Jozef Kuchta and MAJ Jaroslav Kompan handed over their experience, which they have gained due to own accreditation at AFA in 2017. Our experts were invited by Miroslav Giertli, the professional adviser at DIBS in order to spend two days by communicating the current situation by checking the documentation and providing reminders and suggestions for fulfilment of the tasks necessary for receiving NATO ACT, but also for complex preparation for accreditation of the institution.
    The first day of the visit was filled with checking current status of the documentation and discussions about necessary steps forward based on the experience of our experts, who have helped not only on theoretical, but especially on practical level by giving examples from practice.
    The second day was intended to clarify all necessary steps in order to achieve complex accreditation for DIBS, as well as discussion about long-term strategic development plan in favor of NATO for the years 2021-2025. Mr. Nikoloz Melkadze (deputy director of DIBS) got our experts through the premises of the institution in order to see the possibilities for practical execution of courses.
    DIBS has qualified personnel and other conditions, which are necessary for institutional accreditation and our experts are prepared to continue in cooperation.
    The presence of our experts in Georgia was considered as very helpful for DIBS and highly appreciated also by the professional adviser Mr. Giertli.
    We believe for nice and flourishing cooperation with Defense Institution Building School in Georgia and other institutions that we can be of help.
  text: Zuzana Freissl, MBA    

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