Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Completion of the ISOC course no.25

Completion of the ISOC course no.25
    International Staff Officer’s Course (ISOC) took place in the premises of International Courses Department of Armed Forces Academy in period from 27th September to 26th November.
    Nine officers in ranks from captain to major from Slovak republic, one captain and seven 1st lieutenants from Czech Republic, two 1st lieutenants from Latvia and one captain from National Guard Indiana, USA were attending ISOC 25.
    Graduates spent 9 weeks during which they intensively dedicated themselves into planning and conducting military operations at the tactical level in accordance with NATO standards in full spectrum of conflicts.
    The closing ceremony of ISOC 25 took place on 26th November 2021. Due to pandemics it happened to be in private atmosphere following all given restrictions. Vice-rector for education COL Aurel Sabó marked ISOC 25 as probably the best of ISOC courses up to now and noted that not only gained knowledge, but also social interconnections and new friendships are very important income of the course. Students appreciated very much work of instructors and support team, but also cooperation among students and common support while fulfilling given tasks during the course.
    Despite increasing threat of COVID-19 and restrictions, ISOC 25 can be considered as very successful. Students’ results were very good and we do believe that the course will be of high value to absolvents in their future career within their armed forces, but especially within international structures. According to the Chief of International Courses Department LTC Jozef Kuchta, there was a “puzzle” to be built. Students were putting one piece of the puzzle next to the other during all course and finally built a “picture” for planning of operation at tactical level, which he stressed is only small part of even bigger one. This picture should be now utilized in execution phase or within students units.
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  text: Zuzana Freissl, MBA, foto: mjr. René Hečko    

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