Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Introduction to the Planning of the Joint Operations
    September 20th – 24th 2021 a short-term Introduction to the Planning of the Joint Operations course took place in the premises of International Courses Department. Even though that it is an international course, due to pandemic situation we could offer the course to Slovak officers only. There were 6 participants from Joint Operational Command (JOC) in Banská Bystrica and 2 from General Staff of the Slovak Armed Forces. During the official closing ceremony, director of Professional Military Education Centre Colonel Jozef Wesselényi emphasized importance of practical perspective of the course for Slovak Armed Forces to be valuable NATO partner especially during the planning activities at the operational level.
    The course is NATO approved and reflects military requirements for standardization of operations planning within NATO, focuses on operations planning at operational level and reflects the process at military-strategic level.
    The aim of this short-term course was to familiarize participants with NATO doctrines and procedures and to prepare them for the NATO planning process. The graduates of the course have gained the knowledge, which enables them to work within the Joint Operational Planning Group at the International Headquarters and to prepare operational plans that include all relevant factors for effective and successful execution of joint NATO operations and help to implement the planning processes in practice.
Foto všetkých účastníkov kurzu IPJO
  text: Zuzana Freissl, MBA, foto: -ds-    

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