Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Clearing House on Defense Education in Rome.

Clearing House on Defense Education in Rome.
    June 20th - 23rd the eleventh conference on military education "Clearing House on Defense Education" took place at the Centre for Higher Defense Studies in Rome, Italy.
    The conference attended 27 countries representing 64 military education and training institutions. The main goal of the conference was to evaluate the contributions of individual countries. These countries, utilizing NATO DEEP (Defense Education Enhancement Program) help to develop and support military training of officers and non-commissioned officers and language training through NATO standards in NATO's 16 partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Tunisia, Mauritania, Serbia, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan).
    Support for military education in a given country is carried out on the basis of an invitation letter from the given country and the specification of individual areas of support. The Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik was represented by LTC Martin Chovanec, PhD. He currently holds the position of Academic Head of Military Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the end of the conference, the representatives of the NATO headquarters in Brussels appreciated the involvement of the non-commissioned officer corps of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic in the NATO DEEP.
    One of the military educational institutions that participated in the conference was the NATO Defense College Rome, where currently LTC Roman Kráľ as a representative of the Slovak Republic takes place.
  text a foto: pplk. Ing. Martin Chovanec, PhD.    

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