Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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French cadets visited the Academy
    In accordance with the plan of bilateral cooperation between the Slovak Republic and France for the year 2022, two cadets from the „the École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr“ in Coëtquidan in Guer, France took part in an exchange training stay at the Armed Forces Academy of gen. M. R. Štefánik (AFA) between January 23rd and February 18th 2022.
    The students spent almost a month in Liptovský Mikuláš during which they visited the Department of Mechanical Engineering of AFA, International Courses Department (ICD), Simulation Center (SC) and participated on the skiing training and winter military training together with our cadets in Kamenica nad Cirochou.
    Department of Mechanical Engineering under the leadership of prof. Ing. Peter Droppa, PhD. actively involved one of the guests in various activities of the department. He was introduced to laboratories of tribodiagnostics, vehicle maintenance and repair diagnostics, vibrodiagnostics, unmanned vehicles, optics and 3D modeling. He got also a chance for shooting from small arms, which took place at the shooting range in Liptovské Sliače.
    International Courses Department enabled our guests to attend the Introduction the Planning of the Joint Operations course, where they became acquainted with NATO doctrines and procedures.
    For the next 2 weeks, the Simulation Center (SC) of AFA under the leadership of Lt. Col. Zsolt Pastorek took over. It showed the possibilities of reconfigurable virtual simulators and shooting virtual simulators. The implemented hC2 system was introduced, taking into account the possibilities of its implementation for simulation purposes. In addition to theoretical training, the French guest also managed to complete training activities, namely BVP-1 crew exercises on PTRS firing simulators, training for students in the field of air traffic control, or practical exercises on a virtual shooting range. One of the days the French student spent by sightseeing in the town of Liptovský Mikuláš learning about the culture and history of the Liptov region.
    Next days the program out of AFA came to place. It included block military training in Kamenica nad Cirochou, and winter military training in the Opalisko ski resort. Block military training in Kamenica nad Cirochou was held for the AFA cadets of the 1st and 2nd year under the command of commander Capt. Ing. Radovan Sliacky and Capt. Ing. Michal Frič. The weather conditions during the training were not always favorable, sometimes up to the limit of endurance, which the cadets dealt with at a very high level. Tactical and shooting training took part for all, including French guests. Usage of one BVP-1 and two OT-90 with service from the 21st mechanized battalion in Trebišov was part of the training, which highly increased its quality.
    The last stop of our guests was the winter ski training for the AFA cadets of the 3rd year in Závažná Poruba in the Opalisko ski resort. The aim of the training was to improve skiing skills and acquire knowledge for survival in the mountains in winter conditions during the transfers. According to the commanders of training, the French cadet gradually mastered the more technical elements of skiing, he was certainly a diversification for the whole team and during the winter transition he excelled in military skills and he actively participated in all activities of survival and setting of chemical fire.
    It can be seen that the exchange program of two cadets from the „the École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr“ in Coëtquidan in Guer, France, was filled with many interesting activities, and that the team of teachers and professional soldiers at AFA did their best to give them remarkable and unforgettable memories to our academy.
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  text a foto: kolektív AOS    

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