Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Completion of the ISOC course no.26
    The 26th ISOC - International Course for Staff Officers, ended with a solemn ceremony on April 14th, 2022 on the premises of International Courses Department (ICD) of the Armed Forces Academy of Gen. M. R. Štefánik (AFA).
    On February 14th, 2022, 6 lieutenants of the Army of the Czech Republic, 13 officers of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic and 1 member of the AFA took the course. Due to the situation in Ukraine, 13 Slovak officers had to return to their home units. Only our colleague from the Department of Military Tactics and Operational Art together with his Czech colleagues could complete the international course.
    The course lasted a total of 9 weeks, during which its participants completed the issue of planning and conducting military operations at the tactical level of command in accordance with NATO standards, across the spectrum of conflicts in the international environment. They got acquainted with the use of units of various specializations and services, as well as with the organizational structures of individual combat units at the tactical level. They have acquired the basic information and skills needed for the military decision-making process and are ready to work together at all stages of preparation and planning at the tactical level. During the practical exercises, they were able to try out roles in various positions, and thus find themselves in a position that was not yet available to them, but might be important in their future careers.
    At the end of the course, students expressed gratitude that ISOC 26 continued despite the smaller number of participants. They appreciated the personal approach of the instructors, their professionalism based on experience and the overall high level of the course. Working in a smaller group led the course students to take greater responsibility for completing each task and to take a proactive approach. The diverse activities that are traditionally part of the course were also very appreciated. It was so called “long weekend”, which was actually a trip to the High Tatras as well as closing dinner.
    The director of PMEC of AFA, Col. Jozef Wesselényi, Ph.D ended the ISOC 26 by an honorable speech, when he thanked the instructors commanded by Lt. Col. Jozef Kuchta, as well as pointing on the benefits that the course should bring to students in their future career.
    A great asset for AFA is also the graduation of 1st lieutenant Ján Jančo, who can now transform the acquired knowledge into his academic activities as well as to support the ICD. The head of Department of Military Tactics and Operational Art – Assoc. Prof. Jaroslav Varecha, Ph.D and the Chairman of the Academic Senate – Maj. Jaroslav Kompan, Ph.D also took part at the closing ceremony.
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