Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Wednesday 03. 07. 2024       
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Tactical Planning Course according to NATO doctrines
    International Courses Department of the Armed Forces Academy of General M. R. Štefánik, based on the request of the Military Police, which was joined by members of the 2nd Mechanized Brigade Prešov, organized a course "Decision Making Process at Tactical Level" on February 7th-18th, 2022.
    The aim of this short-term course was to acquaint its participants with the work procedures and principles of battalion-level operations planning in accordance with NATO APP-28 ("Tactical Planning for Land Forces") and the emphasis on technical military terminology in English.
    The course ended on February 18th, 2022 with the ceremonial handing over of certificates, which the graduates took over from the head of the chief of ICD, Lt. Col. Jozef Kuchta. In his final speech, he emphasized the fact that not all course participants had the same starting position in the given issue due to their previous experience and current job classification. However, the students appreciated the benefits of mutual team cooperation, which enriched them with practical explanations from both instructors and colleagues who already had practical experience in this area. Although it was a course focused on individual development, it was proved that teamwork is important and enriching.
    In the end, he expressed confidence that this course was beneficial for all graduates and that they will use their experience even in case of deployment in international structures.
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  text a foto: Zuzana Freissl, MBA    

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