The Department of Electronics contributes to creation
of the electronic communication technology terminology
    One of the areas of the Department of Electronics cooperation with the Institute of Posts and Telecommunications is the area of electronic systems terminology with regard to European and International norms (like ETSI, CENELEC, IEC), recommendations ITU and the another EC directives. Associate professor Martin MARKO took a part in the meeting named “Terminology forum” which was focused on the area of the GNSS terminology in conjunction with the final stage of technical realization of the Navigation System Galileo and a subsequent transport of the further four satellites of the GNSS Galileo into orbit as a part EU space program ARIANE.
    Second area which was discussed during the meeting was focused on Wideband Hybrid Television Broadcast technology. The attendees of the Terminology Forum discussed the critical points in terms of the exactness of terminology used in the area of electronic communication systems.
    The final version of the Terminology Dictionary is available in electronic form on the webpage (ISBN 978–80–970852–7–8). This publication can be used as a source of information for students during their study especially for their bachelor and diploma thesis.



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