Project name: Sensors against terrorism
Project beginning (MM/YY): 03/07
Project completion (MM/YY):12/08
Granted by: AGA AOS
Research team members:              
Doc. Ing. Jozef PUTTERA, CSc.
Prof. Ing. Jozef ŠURIANSKY, CSc.
Doc. Ing,. Petr MALÝ, CSc.
Doc. Ing. Marcel HARAKAĽ, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Ľuboš ANTOŠKA, CSc.
Doc. Ing. Ľubomír ANDRÁŠ, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Milan OSTROVSKÝ, CSc.
Doc. Ing. Miroslav KASPRZYK, CSc.
Ing. Pavol POLÁK
Kpt. Ing. Aurel SABÓ
Kpt. Ing. Roman BEREŠÍK
Kpt. Ing. Miroslav MIŠKOVIČ
Project goals:
   The main goal of a scientific project titled „Sensors against terrorism“ is to design and realize a smart sensors for security purposes such as perimetric sensors, MEMS sensors, 2D magnetic sensors, sensors for personal identification, sensors for dangerous gases and explosive material detection etc. Important part of this project is an optimization of a methods to achieve effective digital signal processing algorithms and management information methods in a sensor networks. The expected particular contributions are original solutions for special sensors applications and a new software toll for information management in a sensor networks. A propositions for security measures connected to sensor technology is expected as well.



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