Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik
13th International scientific conference
'National and International Security 2022'
from 20th to 21st October 2022

Liptovský Mikuláš

Aim of the Conference
   Analysis of the current state of development of national and international security and new aspects of its direction.
  • international relations and the formation of a global security environment
    (global threats and problems of humanity, asymmetric armed conflict, global problem solving by the world's largest players, participation of foreign and non-military actors in crisis management, observance and protection of human rights, development of democracy).
  • national security as the object of research, formation and implementation of state security policy
    (state security and crisis management, internal state security, preparation of legislation and security strategic documents of the state, participation of the armed forces of the democratic state in ensuring internal security)
  • conspiracy theories and hoaxes and their impact on security
  • current security science and other directions of its development
  • the role and tasks of the armed forces in preventing and resolving conflicts
    (requirements for the capabilities of current and future forces, experience of the International Crisis Management)
Conference languages:
   English, Czech, Slovak

The organizer does not provide interpreting. Panels and sections will be taken into account groups of conference languages.
© KIS AOS 2022                                      Aktualized May 25, 2022