Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik
13th International scientific conference
'National and International Security 2022'
from 20th to 21st October 2022

Liptovský Mikuláš

Conference Fee

Conference Fee: EUR 120,00
The conference fee includes: publishing in proceedings, 1 x lunch, refreshment, and social event. If you do not attend, the conference fee will not be refunded.
Publishing in Proceedings without Participation on the Conference: 50,00 EUR.
Account number:
Štátna pokladnica, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava 15
IBAN SK35 81800000 0070 0016 6344
IČO 37910337
Variabilný symbol: 20102022
Note to recipient: name and surname of the conference participant.
If you need to prepare an invoice, please send your request by e-mail to the addressee NLT October 20, 2022.
Later requests will not be accepted.
© KIS AOS 2022                                      Aktualized May 25, 2022